Start or Transfer Utility Service
How soon do I need to sign up for service?
You may contact the Finance Division to sign up for service at any time before moving in to your new location.Where do I sign up for service?
You may sign up by contacting the City of Turlock Finance Division by phone, (209) 668-5570 or in person at 156 S. Broadway, Turlock Ca.If you are a tenant please provide a copy of the rental agreement and a valid government issued id. For new owners, please provide closing escrow paperwork and a valid government issue ID. A deposit may be required depending on services provided. A letter of credit from another agency may waive the deposit requirement.
Please complete this document and attach a copy of the account holder's valid ID. For faster processing, please send in both required items through email or fax.
Click here to download the Start Service Form
How are my utility fees calculated?
For information on how utility fees are calculated, please refer to the Turlock Municipal Code sections noted below.Water - Metered Rates (TMC 6-5-500)
Water - Non-Metered Rates (TMC 6-5-6000
Sewer Rates (TMC 6-4-700)
Garbage Rates (TMC 6-3-101)
Am I required to pay a deposit?
Pursuant to California Public Utility Code Section 10009.6, the decision of the City to require a new residential applicant to deposit a sum of money with the City prior to establishing an account and furnishing service shall be based solely upon the creditworthiness of the applicant as determined by the City.The deposit will be equal to the charges for services likely to be incurred during a period of three (3) months or two (2) billing periods, whichever is greater. This estimate shall be established by the Finance Officer or his/her designee based upon the size of the service, the nature of the use of the property and the experience with similar uses in the City. Failure to make the deposit will warrant the discontinuation or denial of service.
Other Links in the Start or Stop Utility Services Section
Discontinue Utility ServiceTemporarily Turn On/Off Service