Water Conservation

California is experiencing changing water conditions and has an increased need to protect and conserve our water supply, in order to address drought conditions and ensure future availability. All of Turlock's water supply comes from deep groundwater wells. In periods of drought, extra measures are implemented to ensure that an adequate supply of water is available even as water table levels may drop.
Now, more than ever, it is important to conserve water. The City of Turlock offers various tools and resources to assist with water conservation. Examples include a City wide watering schedule, free services such as Home Water Survey Kit, tools to report water waste, high efficiency appliance rebates, and offer low flow devices to qualifying customers. We have also developed a Water Pledge tool for consumers to actively participate and commit to making reductions in and around the home.
The City of Turlock wishes to remind its residents how vital water conservation is to our community. It is never appropriate to waste a natural resource like water. By encouraging appreciation of the value of our water, and educating consumers on efficient water use and conservation practices, we help to ensure a sustainable water supply both now and in the future. If we all work together, we can make a difference.
For more information on water conservation tips or ideas, click on water conservation tips in the quick links box provided above or contact our office at 209-668-5590.
Self-Certification of Supply Reliability - Supply Analysis
Other Links in the Water Conservation Section
View my Water ConsumptionLandscape Watering Days
Conservation Tips
Home Water Survey Kit
Online Water Conservation Course
Exemption List Request
Hand Watering Exemption Request
Alternative Landscaping of Parkway Strips
Report Water Waste
Recycled Water
DWPD Recycled Water Transfer Agreement
Urban Water Management Plan