Recycled Water

Program Overview
The City of Turlock is offering recycled water to residents and businesses in and around the City of Turlock. Recycled water is available for limited commercial users as well as residential customers for landscape irrigation. Recycled water is available to AUTHORIZED users through a self-serve drive through system. Those interested in utilizing recycled water must complete an online certification program and submit a certificate of completion, along with a completed application to the City of Turlock Municipal Services Department at 156 S. Broadway, Ste. 270, Turlock. Approved applicants will receive an identification card and appropriate labels for user supplied recycled water containers that must be properly labeled. Turlock’s recycled water is offered free of charge to certified and approved users.Recycled water information video on Modesto Bee
Certification Program
Every applicant must complete the City’s online certification program and provide the Certificate of Completion, along with a completed application to the Municipal Services Department at 156 S. Broadway, Ste.270. The certification provides important information such as; proper uses of recycled water, procedures for collection, restricted uses and other pertinent information.The Application for Recycled Water Use can be downloaded from this website by clicking the link below or you can pick up a hard copy of the application from the address above. The application must be filled out completely and have all the required documentation to be considered for approval. If you have any questions regarding the Recycled Water Program, please contact the Municipal Services Department at 209.668.5590.
Link to Online Certification
ATTENTION: If you are accessing this site for the first time, please click the JOIN button. When asked for a utility account number, enter 000000.
Residential Cerification Program
Commercial Certification Program
Residential Cerification Program
Commercial Certification Program
Application Download
Application for Hauling of Recycled Water for Commercial or Residential UseRelated Documents
Recycled Water Filling Station ProcedureNotice of Intent for the Use of Recycled Water within Stanislaus County
Recycled Water Program Rules & Regulations
California Department of Public Health Title 17 & 22
Notice of Applicability
State Water Resources Control Board - General Waste Discharge Requirements for Recycled Water Use
Location/Hours of Operation

8:00am to 3:00pm Monday-Friday
Turlock Regional Water Quality Control Facility (wastewater treatment plant)
901 S. Walnut Rd.
Recycled Water Containers
Your containers must have water-tight lids and not leak. Minimum container size is five (5) gallons. Maximum load is 300 gallons, but you can return as often as you like. If you arrive with a container that holds more than 300 gallons, you will only be allowed to take 300 gallons.Be Aware: Water Is Heavy!
One gallon of water weighs over 8 pounds; 100 gallons weighs 833 pounds. Do not exceed the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of your vehicle or trailer. Overloading vehicles is unsafe and could cause a traffic accident. When driving a heavily loaded vehicle, be sure to allow enough stopping distance. Your containers must be secured for safe transport.
Other Links in the Water Conservation Section
View my Water ConsumptionLandscape Watering Days
Conservation Tips
Home Water Survey Kit
Online Water Conservation Course
Exemption List Request
Hand Watering Exemption Request
Alternative Landscaping of Parkway Strips
Report Water Waste
DWPD Recycled Water Transfer Agreement
Urban Water Management Plan